Welcome to Wholesome Nutrition!

We’ll send you 7 recipes and a grocery list to your inbox each week. Register below to get one week of recipes for $1 and then just $9/month after.


Get 7, family-friendly meals sent to your inbox


Each meal offers nutrition information & swaps


Recipes are quick to prepare and make

Happy Customers

What Others Are Saying

Hannah’s guidance has helped me feed my family more nutritious meals/snacks. I’m so thankful for Hannah and all she’s done to foster this new and healthy lifestyle for myself and my family.


Everyone needs a Hannah in their life! She has opened my eyes to a whole new world of health. Hannah educates, encourages and celebrates with me! She gives me a plan that isn’t complicated and the tools I need to make it happen.


Recent Recipes

Check out a few recipes from this week’s meal plan.