If you love buffalo chicken but want a healthier, leaner alternative to fried wings or traditional meatballs, these healthy buffalo chicken meatballs are for you! Made with lean ground chicken and baked or air-fried instead of fried, they’re packed with flavor while...
Let’s talk about fat loss. Not the myths, not the fads, but the actual science behind how your body sheds fat. If you’ve ever wondered why things that worked in your 20s don’t seem to cut it anymore or why you’re gaining weight even though your habits haven’t changed,...
Gut health has become a hot topic, and for good reason: it influences nearly every aspect of our health—from digestion to mood, immunity, and even hormones. Did you know it’s estimated that about 70% of our immune system lives in our gut? I’ve definitely paid more...
As a registered dietitian, I frequently get asked whether counting calories is necessary for managing weight and maintaining overall health. The short answer? It depends on the individual, their goals, and their relationship with food. In this post, we’ll...
The Importance and Benefits of a Nutritious Breakfast The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast We all know that mornings can be hectic with the rush to get everyone up, ready, and out the door to school and work on time. (Can I get an amen?) But starting the day with a...
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