It can be pretty miserable to eat when you’re congested, coughing, and don’t feel great, right? You probably notice that certain foods don’t sound as good as they do when you feel well and you may even notice you crave some foods you wouldn’t normally crave. ...
Who else looks forward to Super Bowl Food?! The game and the commercials are great of course, but for me, the real winner of Super Bowl Sunday is the food! Did you know it’s estimated that the average American eats an average of 2400 calories and 121 grams of...
Protein shakes are one of the most commonly used supplements in the nutrition world and chances are, you’ve probably had one. But do you need one every day? Protein shakes aren’t necessary or needed for everyone but can be helpful in some cases. If you eat a...
Most of the time when you start a diet, you do it to get healthier, right? Maybe you’re looking to lose excess body fat or you’re looking to eat more nutritious foods and get yourself in better shape. The problem with the majority of diet plans is that they are not...
Added sugar is found everywhere. Seriously. Everywhere. Food companies sprinkle it on everything and rarely can you find a boxed product with zero added sugar. But that’s so cruel! Why would companies want to add it to everything?! While there is no nutritional...
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